We offer scanning at 300 or 600 DPI (600 DPI requires an upgrade). The final file size will vary depending upon the size of the original photograph. A standard 4x6 at 300 DPI usually is about 1 to 1.5 MB in size whereas at 600 DPI ranges from 2.5 to 3 MB.
Many websites refer to resolution as a pixel by pixel notation. To determine what your own picture's pixel-by-pixel resolution will be, multiply the inches by 300 DPI or 600 DPI. For example, a 4"x6" print will have a resolution of 1200x1800 at 300 DPI (4" x 300 DPI = 1200 pixels, 6" x 300 DPI = 1800 pixels) and 2400x3600 at 600 DPI (4" x 600 DPI = 2400 pixels, 6" x 600 DPI = 3600 pixels).
For a comparison of the two resolutions visit http://www.scanmyphotos.com/300v600dpi.php
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